Monday, June 21, 2010


This place of brain dump has allowed me to grow in a way I thought I would not see in a while. I have had so many people touch my life in astronomically great ways.

I used to struggle with my perception that the universe conspired against me, it was actually my internal struggle. Perception that I am not good enough, my guilt about my lack of collegiate experience, my choice to drop out of High school, self deprecating humour, obesity, and my innate need to have approval of those that were all the things I am not.

I cant change the past, not even close. I can be a model to those that, similar to me, have ill founded belief in their own ineptitude. It was reading The Alchemist that was pivotal to my understanding about how the universe operates. It was as if light bulbs that were previously unscrewed were seated rightly and illuminated all that appeared dark and ominous. The essence of all that we are to become is established by the trials we endure, the joys we share , and the lessons we learn. We can only share this base, not impart it. Each of us will have pain and heartache, it is these seemingly hurtful events that allow us to cherish the bright side. The scope of the lesson is never evident while in the episodic darkness, but it is such darkness that prismatic light can be found.

~My light~
Hearing the words:
"I love you"~Ty
"You are a famous designer!"~Sankalp
"My boobs love you." *many women*

Intentional practice:
Planting, pruning, and eating from my garden.
Lighting a candle everyday for my friend's health, my company's success, and continued growth of understanding and love in my relationship.
Positive message writing on mirrors (positive reflections!!).
Daily practice of improving my designing skill, law of 80.


  1. Megan, LOVE Paulo Coehlo. Reed the Alchemist when I was 25 years old. Definitely had an effect on my way of thinking too. Thought you told me you had trouble writing? Pshaw! This is GREAT stuff. Please write more.

  2. I'm actively overcoming a very similar (and nearly life-long) struggle and am SO thrilled that you're realizing the same sense of value and possibility that I seem to be. It's definitely amazing, and I'm a dramatically improved person for it! Unbelievable things can happen to us if we believe in ourselves. :)
