Monday, June 28, 2010

A Gift

So much of my life is a privilege. Every day I wake in a comfy bed, I get up and draw tap water to wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk on the hardwoods to the kitchen, open the fridge and eat.

Each of these things I perform in automoton are not guaranteed to the rest of the world. The things I gift I do so knowing that someone will benefit, that the spirit of gifting will instill itself to the recipient. What a great life!

Today is the day that I was given the opportunity to give a guitar to a burgeoning music student! It did not cost me a thing, I don't use it, I don't have the time to learn, and this kiddo needs one.

Look in your storage, is there something you can give to a group or .org to make a difference? Do it now!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting and sharing Megan. In both senses of the word sharing. We require daily reminders of how good we can be to each other.
