Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So, you just found out your bra size, and in many cases it was not what you thought it would be. I wish by all wishes I could tell you in the most gentle way that it is not a commentary on you as a human...but seeing that in many cases the only logic that applies is "Girl-logic" you just might be crushed.

"I cant be a DD", "There is NO way I am that size", "I have never been that size", "but I don't want to wear that size"

You name it, and I have heard it. Statistics tell us that 85% of women in the US wear the wrong size...and chances are you are one of them. Breast health is so very important! wearing a bra that supports, shapes, and is comfortable is a kin to the quest for the holy grail.

Fashion in many cases is about sacrifice.
Sacrifice the bleeding edge look for comfort (ladies you will understand this at 35+ years)
Sacrifice comfort for the current style.
Sacrifice breast health for a perceived VALUE in a moulded cup.

I wish I had the type of influence to turn the buying market around, to educate woman about the risks of PU foam bras. 80% of the bras sold today use this as an internal structure, mostly because of out insatiable desire to get the best possible perceived value for the purchase.
It does not take much digging to find that there is NOT NICE medical evidence out there regarding this type of foam in mattresses...and its effect of your health.
Think: you are wearing a known carcinogen next to your lymph, and it is heating and cooling in the closest possible way to your body. Each of us should be asking more questions about the known gassing that this product exhibits, and why research has not been conducted on moulded cup bras and women's health.
For your health, replace just one of your bras with a bra that does not utilize foam in it's construction.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative, Megan. I had no idea! I'll certainly be fitted soon and replace some of those harmful bras once I do.
