Monday, June 28, 2010

A Gift

So much of my life is a privilege. Every day I wake in a comfy bed, I get up and draw tap water to wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk on the hardwoods to the kitchen, open the fridge and eat.

Each of these things I perform in automoton are not guaranteed to the rest of the world. The things I gift I do so knowing that someone will benefit, that the spirit of gifting will instill itself to the recipient. What a great life!

Today is the day that I was given the opportunity to give a guitar to a burgeoning music student! It did not cost me a thing, I don't use it, I don't have the time to learn, and this kiddo needs one.

Look in your storage, is there something you can give to a group or .org to make a difference? Do it now!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So, you just found out your bra size, and in many cases it was not what you thought it would be. I wish by all wishes I could tell you in the most gentle way that it is not a commentary on you as a human...but seeing that in many cases the only logic that applies is "Girl-logic" you just might be crushed.

"I cant be a DD", "There is NO way I am that size", "I have never been that size", "but I don't want to wear that size"

You name it, and I have heard it. Statistics tell us that 85% of women in the US wear the wrong size...and chances are you are one of them. Breast health is so very important! wearing a bra that supports, shapes, and is comfortable is a kin to the quest for the holy grail.

Fashion in many cases is about sacrifice.
Sacrifice the bleeding edge look for comfort (ladies you will understand this at 35+ years)
Sacrifice comfort for the current style.
Sacrifice breast health for a perceived VALUE in a moulded cup.

I wish I had the type of influence to turn the buying market around, to educate woman about the risks of PU foam bras. 80% of the bras sold today use this as an internal structure, mostly because of out insatiable desire to get the best possible perceived value for the purchase.
It does not take much digging to find that there is NOT NICE medical evidence out there regarding this type of foam in mattresses...and its effect of your health.
Think: you are wearing a known carcinogen next to your lymph, and it is heating and cooling in the closest possible way to your body. Each of us should be asking more questions about the known gassing that this product exhibits, and why research has not been conducted on moulded cup bras and women's health.
For your health, replace just one of your bras with a bra that does not utilize foam in it's construction.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Empire of change


What a powerful and awkward word.

Change your perception.

Life changing.

Change of season.

Changes that are in our control, and those we impact.

Change is not a whole, a tangible finite thing. Its is a series of impacts like meteors... a gradual set of measurable pocks.

Change in my field: I choose to develop a systematic line of knowledge. What is mine in my mind I will strive to share with you. I was meant to make a difference, I know this...of each of us is true. I have my specialty; bra design, fit, and sewing. If you have questions about any of it, I was brought into your life to answer these things. Ask away.

Monday, June 21, 2010


This place of brain dump has allowed me to grow in a way I thought I would not see in a while. I have had so many people touch my life in astronomically great ways.

I used to struggle with my perception that the universe conspired against me, it was actually my internal struggle. Perception that I am not good enough, my guilt about my lack of collegiate experience, my choice to drop out of High school, self deprecating humour, obesity, and my innate need to have approval of those that were all the things I am not.

I cant change the past, not even close. I can be a model to those that, similar to me, have ill founded belief in their own ineptitude. It was reading The Alchemist that was pivotal to my understanding about how the universe operates. It was as if light bulbs that were previously unscrewed were seated rightly and illuminated all that appeared dark and ominous. The essence of all that we are to become is established by the trials we endure, the joys we share , and the lessons we learn. We can only share this base, not impart it. Each of us will have pain and heartache, it is these seemingly hurtful events that allow us to cherish the bright side. The scope of the lesson is never evident while in the episodic darkness, but it is such darkness that prismatic light can be found.

~My light~
Hearing the words:
"I love you"~Ty
"You are a famous designer!"~Sankalp
"My boobs love you." *many women*

Intentional practice:
Planting, pruning, and eating from my garden.
Lighting a candle everyday for my friend's health, my company's success, and continued growth of understanding and love in my relationship.
Positive message writing on mirrors (positive reflections!!).
Daily practice of improving my designing skill, law of 80.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ewwwwy ewwwwy

I have had several good friends over the years that have contributed to my wonky way of speaking.

LaLaFa: a silly childhood language (similar to pig Latin) that allows me to talk in front of people when I dont want them to exactly know what I'm saying....ill get caught one day.

Ewwwy ewwwwwwy: when there is a yucky dude/situation/place that requires something cuter to say than OMG that is f-ing gross

Itch: in reference to a gal who would otherwise be known as a big ole B-tch

The Yum: a tasty looking anything!!

3B: Big, Blond, and Beautiful

Biscuits: used in place of just about any curse word, it ends up being FAR cuter and more acceptable in public than a sailor mouth.

Loosing PMS privileges: telling girl secrets to guys that are asking advice about girls. Mostly dealing with, "why does a girl do........(insert wacky girl behaviour here)."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Get me started

I want to help educate women about bra fittings. There should not be the mystery associated with size!
I like the analogy of a shoe fitting, a proper fit is crucial for comfort! The same is true for our breast tissue.

85% of you ladies have the wrong size bra on! Get yourself to a professional fitter NOW. Your girls will thank you! If you are in Austin I offer free fittings....ALWAYS! Make an appointment, I want you to be comfortable. Get your Bra On!

Next, Wishes:

So, I have thought a lot about the direction of my business. I'm always in the pursuit of a rare textile, but the more important thing for me now is to make custom sales so I can donate more to the (Buy Custom Give Support campaign).

I knew it would happen, but Francis (my fav. sewing machine) died on Monday. I felt as if a piece of me were more empty than I could handle. She was a Union Special 1910 single needle. This machine to me is not replaceable due to the cost of the new machines, tables, lamps, and motor....but more so because they just don't make machines like her anymore. I cant quite express how sad I am about not being able to sew on her anymore. If I could drop dollars on her repair or a new machine I would....and I need to. Send good vibes my way!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


How can I be a pioneer of buying power:
Its not that I want to be so HUGE that I live in a bigger home, or have a fancy car (or any car for that matter), or posh clothes. (that would be nice but not necessary to be comfortable)
I want from this business and life to be an equal contributor to my family unit, to remain a creative force in intimate garments, and make a conscious and daily effort to keep the purchases that I make to benefit my community and country.

How: Look at labels! Is the blouse you covet made here in the states, or better yet locally? Is that skirt you spy for that 1 event made in a way that it is intended to be 'throw-away' clothing? Make purchases wisely, spend a little more, in a methodical way such that pivotal wardrobe pieces become life long favorites in your closet. Search out designers in your community, they are there!

View your dollars like a vote. Each dollar counts, especially in this climate...rally your money to support your neighbor's business, have a custom garment made, revel in the positivity you create by buying LOCAL!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Ive felt a bit sappy lately. I was reminded by a dear friend Diane, that Love is the one respectable thing we can give.
This pure adoration and love I have for those I surround myself with is given without intent of seeing anything other than a smile or a lifted spirit.

There is so much painful drama in this life, i refuse to play party by watching it on TV. Life has its struggles and there are MANY of them that each of us endure...everyday! The satisfaction in our camaraderie of pain should not be the lesson, the lesson is that simple & kind actions can really have an astounding positive effect on someone.

What will you do today, with intention and effort? Keep it simple, show someone your smile, send them a quick note, or just be an ear to them. I can't stress enough that these simple SIMPLE simple actions can be LIFE CHANGING.

Do it now. Love on.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


After meeting with the board of Texas Next Top Designer it became clear that my mess of a creative mind was also making a mess of my branding.

I was urged to create a set of lines for my intimates.

I will keep you posted on their development!

My hope is that by branding the set of looks the shopping and selection experience will be less confusing. In my own weird way it makes sense to me, but I can see how the site could look a mess......heck I'm a WAY better designer and bra maker than a web/ecommerce builder! I take criticism well on subjects I know nothing about, so that was an easy pill to swallow. I just wish I had a way to create a better online shopping experience, but I really cant spend more time learning web site building. I feel I have spent too much time away from bra design.....I just don't have enough hours in the day to make that happen.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Amazing Life

So, there are things that are serendipitous, surreal, or plain unexplainable good.

1) My Husband: How do I begin? He is singularly the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Period. I have never laughed so hard, loved so deep, or lived in such complete love in my entire life. We met at a party 13 years ago, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think....what if I did not go that night, what if I had to work late? It was perfect and innocent, and reshaped my opinion about men after my first failed marriage.
2) The Teacher: Mrs. Ethel could have chosen to sell her business off in pieces, could have had a daughter that she taught the skill to, or a family that wanted to carry on the legacy. None of those things happened. It was a right time right place thing. She wanted to pass the business as a whole, and I wanted to learn it all. I was thirsty for my own business, and to upgrade my skill set. We met, and I had this *feeling* this encompassing feeling that I was talking to a woman that was changing my life with each word she spoke. I was hooked, I wanted to make the most beautiful intimates I could possibly make.

1) The Competition: Texas Next Top Designer, Changed. My. Life. No singular event in my career felt more satisfying or surreal in my life thus far. I had no intention to enter, I was unsure of our first collection. I did not feel it was strong, it was the FIRST collection we had done. No shame in a first collection, but I had a stronger vision. I entered on the urging of my seamstress core. Shortly after entering I had a house fire. I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns to my dominant hand. I felt I had nothing to show, no chance to work on the collection. My next thought was that I can at least get feedback on what had been produced thus far. That, And I might learn what NOT to do next time. I showed what we made thus far, presented the business plan that I worked on for 9months, and brought my most humble game. I won. I called my mommy, I cried, and I am still amazed to this day that there are a group of people that are willing to help a designer with a dream.
2)My friends: I am not known to be the best of friends. I have been hurt, and left by so many friends that I have a guarded heart to those that might be a true and great friend. I have a close circle now that understand this, or on a level know it, and love and look past my own garbage to be true and great. If you think we should be friends know I will distance myself, guard my pain that I will one day loose you, you will move on, away, and loose touch. I love my friends so deeply that I cant bear to not be a part of them. I have NEVER dealt well with loss of friendship. The fact that I have allowed myself to open up to people on Twitter and here are some of the biggest steps I have take in my entire life in regards to forging new friendships. Thanks for being a friend.

Unexplainable good:
1) The Feedback: It really can be as simple as saying something nice....Try it, it can change some one's life. For freaking real. I had a client leave feedback on Love a Local Business about Sew Sister (our business). Heather sent in feed back about our business, she took time to write a simple sentence, one of praise, but with that simple thought we were entered into a contest where our business was awarded a grant. So Simple, and amazing...this one sentence that made me smile on its own then yielded a monetary grant that was just so amazing. I am in constant awe that this universe has a plan, and that if you pour positive energy into it you see the most astounding things happen. The grant could not have come at a better time. I really cant quite explain the trials of being a business owner here, but I cried when I heard the news from Gretchen. It was a HUGE sign for me that I am doing what I should be, it was the carrot that made me get back on track, allowed me to look at the past 8 years of struggle, and WANT to continue. This business is a hard one, and there are days that you question why you even do it.... but Heather, and the folks at Intuit make the struggle more bearable.
2)The Tithe: Buy Custom Give Support :
I decided that I wanted to give back, but as I have poured what salary I could have drawn the past 4 years back into my business I really had nothing of a physical nature that could impact some one's cause....I thought. I launched The Buy Custom Give Support campaign in early 2010, I found that I had made enough mastectomy bra stock that I could donate a bra to the BCRC for every custom bra purchase made through us. I did not quite realize the impact of that on women in need. I have donated 66 mastectomy bras to date to the . Women who are still not covered by insurance, have limited resources, or just simply need a bit of help with just something/anything as they deal with their life changing cancer.